Author: barefoot

It’s in Their DNA:

It’s in Their DNA: Avera Health Uses Pharmacogenomics, MEDITECH EHR to Drive Precision Medicine

Seven Trends Shaping Genomics in 2017 and Beyond

December 29, 2016 A Look Ahead: Seven Trends Shaping Genomics in 2017 and Beyond Advances in Genome Sequencing, Pharmacogenomics, Gene Editing, and Biometric Wearables Will Provide New Pathways to Better Health Enakshi Singh

Precision medicine introduced to psychiatry…can it help?

Date: June 21, 2016 Source: Mayo Clinic Summary: New research is highlighting the potential merits of using precision medicine in prescribing antidepressants. Eleven percent of Americans 12 years and older have been prescribed antidepressant medication, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data from 2005-2008. These medications are regularly prescribed in psychiatric, pediatric, adolescent, Read More …

Achieving Clinically Actionable Precision Medicine

Where is Precision Medicine today and how do we incorporate it into standard of care?  Check out this article published by HIT Consultant.  For more information on how to begin implementing precision medicine pathways within your practice or facility, contact us today at 3 Keys to Achieving Clinically Actionable Precision Medicine for Providers

Pharmacogenetic Benefits

We have all heard the phrase, “different strokes for different folks”. The question is, has this theory been accepted or applied when prescribing pharmaceutical drugs? For many prestige medical facilities around the country the answer is yes. If we truly believe that each individual is unique then why would we not consider this information before talking Read More …

Adverse Drug Reactions

Are your medications making you sick? If your answer is yes and/or maybe…you are not alone. Actually what could be occurring is an Adverse Drug Reaction(ADR).  While some adverse drug reactions (ADR) are not very serious, some can cause death, hospitalization, or serious injury. ADR’s affect more than 2 million people in the United States Read More …