In the Pursuit of Precision Medicine and Value-Based Care: Are They Dual, Yet Synergistic Goals?

In the Pursuit of Precision Medicine and Value-Based Care: Are They Dual, Yet Synergistic Goals?

April 26, 2017
by Heather Landi

Within the healthcare industry, precision medicine often is approached as a research endeavor, while value-based care transformation is framed as a business or operational initiative. However, one bioinformatics thought-leader asserts that precision medicine and healthcare transformation are highly synergistic and intrinsically linked, and are, at their core, data-centric issues. And, to deliver on the promise of precision medicine and value-based care, healthcare leaders essentially need to change how they approach data sharing and analytics, according to Philip Payne, Ph.D., founding director of the Institute for Informatics at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, during a recent webinar presented by Healthcare Informatics.

“For both precision medicine and value-based transformation, it’s about capturing critical data aspects to treat patients as individuals and to improve value, safety and outcomes,” he said during the April 19 webinar. The full webinar can be accessed here.

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