GEMM – Genetically Enhanced Medication Monitoring

Opioid over/misuse is an enormous problem that practitioners and payers are working hard to address. To that end, Insight Diagnostics has just introduced a new, low cost, lab test that significantly improves the diagnostic capabilities of physicians treating patients who are being prescribed opioids. Insight has combined two widely used and often expensive lab tests – Definitive Urine Drug test (UDT) and PGx into a single test called GEMM – Genetically Enhanced Medication Monitoring.

By using GEMM:

1)      Genetically aligned medications are identified, eliminating the standard “trial and error” prescription process, saving millions of dollars currently spent on ineffective and potentially toxic medications;

2)      Physician/patient relationships will be improved when MDs recognize their patients have taken medications as prescribed, but are either ultra-rapid or non-metabolizer of the medication(s). All other labs’ UDT reports are often inaccurate as they lack data on the patient’s genetic ability to metabolize their medications;

3)      Overall patient outcomes/satisfaction will be improved when the most effective medication is prescribed from the treatment outset;

4)      Patients whose genetics cause them to be poor, or ultra-rapid metabolizers of specific medications are identified and can be prescribed more appropriate opiates/pain medications; and

5)      Most importantly, the risk of potentially deadly Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) will be significantly reduced.


ALL of the above benefits are unique to GEMM…

For less than what other labs charge for an incomplete UDT test, GEMM includes a comprehensive UDT (reporting on all illicit and prescribed meds) that also identifies the estimated 20% -30% of patients that generate UDT reports with false positive/negative results due to the patient’s genetics. 

We would like to schedule a quick introductory call to tell you more about how GEMM could work for you. Please contact us today to let me know what day/time works best. Thank you and we look forward to helping you provide better care at lower costs while bridging the gap to precision medicine.

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